The C.E.O Mindset Podcast Tue, 23 Feb 2021 23:02:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2024 Andrea Patrick Topics that show you how to leverage your personal branding across various platforms to attract, engage, and convert THE RIGHT audience. Andrea Patrick Put the "B-U" in your BUSINESS with clarity, consistency, and authenticity. Learn how to leverage your personal branding with tips and techniques that educate, encourage, and empower listeners to be authentic with their marketing. Use what you learn to attract, engage, and convert THE RIGHT audience. Andrea Patrick No Clean Eating, Consistent Nutrition and Work/Life Balance Wed, 24 Feb 2021 14:30:17 +0000

Clean eating and work life balance tips

I bet you’ve heard the term clean eating, right? It’s everywhere and causing a ton of confusion (or am I the only one?).  The advice fluctuates between do it, don’t do it…and on and on. The Mayo Clinic defines clean eating as a way of living that lends itself to improving one’s health and well-beingeating more real food.” 

This is how I choose to think of it because I realize there isn’t a one size fits all and I believe I can say my guest today feels the same way. Shannon Sheriff is a local friend in my head. We haven’t actually met in person because of COVID! She coaches women to wellness and I noticed her on Instagram and Facebook. She’s AMAZING!!!

Shannon is a mom of 2 who went from a life of fluffy to a transformation of fit. Her transformation is the result of being cast in a fitness program informercial. It taught her there is no magic in the workout.  Nutrition is what makes the difference! She changed her ways, did the work and never looked back. This experience was probably exhausting for her and she could have just kept her knowledge to herself but her personal success lead her to help others.

It’s time to STOP being obsessed with clean eating. Listen to this podcast and learn how Shannon is using what she’s learned to teach others how to transform their lives. She’s using those multiple nutrition program certifications she has under her belt because she wants to support and inspire others struggling to obtain fitness consistency and weight control.

Listen Because You’ll Learn:

  • What I mean by work/life balance
  • What you can do to start putting yourself first
  • The relationship between workouts and more energy
  • Why Athletes MAY NOT be the best images for your vision board
  • And more…

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To get started with a more personalized approach to your marketing efforts I've got some options:

If you're read to GET TO WORK you should GRAB my book, The BTB Business Journal. It's full of information, tools, worksheets, challenges and more. If you're a self starter and can get thing done on your own, it's a great way to tap into your personal brand then leverage it EVERYWHERE!

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]]> 0 I bet you’ve heard the term clean eating, right? It’s everywhere and causing a ton of confusion (or am I the only one?). The advice fluctuates between do it, don’t do it…and on and on. The Mayo Clinic defines clean eating as “a way of living that lends itself to improving one’s health and well-being…eating [...] No No 39:40 andrea patrick 9 week control freak, Andrea Patrick, beach body, CEO Mindset Podcast, clean eating, Podcasts, shannon Sheriff, stop eating clean, why you shouldn't eat clean, Women in Business