The C.E.O Mindset Podcast Wed, 07 Aug 2019 13:19:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2024 Andrea Patrick Topics that show you how to leverage your personal branding across various platforms to attract, engage, and convert THE RIGHT audience. Andrea Patrick Put the "B-U" in your BUSINESS with clarity, consistency, and authenticity. Learn how to leverage your personal branding with tips and techniques that educate, encourage, and empower listeners to be authentic with their marketing. Use what you learn to attract, engage, and convert THE RIGHT audience. Andrea Patrick No Goal Setting & Strategic Planning Wed, 07 Aug 2019 13:18:43 +0000

To be completely honest, I have always been that girl who needed to have structure around tasks, jobs, and well… life.  I like to know where the boundaries are.  My husband used to ask, “when are you going to go out and meet people? You won’t make make money sitting behind your desk all day.” In a way, he was right but to me, it was important to have my ducks in a row. I wanted to be prepared on the back end of my business JUST IN CASE the bottom fell out and business grew faster than expected.  I guest that was my way of setting goals and strategic planning.  I wanted to be proactive, not scattered and reactive.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the quote: “a goal without a plan is just a wish”.  You’ll hear me use this quote repeatedly and the reality is, too many people begin important tasks without having a plan of action.  Goals are not just a light at the end of  tunnel. They are achievements we’re striving for.  In order to achieve the things we want, we have to have an ACTION ITEMS.  That action plan is the blue print to reaching goals.

There should be careful thought put into the blue print your use to reach your goals.  My guest today, Sharon Richter of Focal Point Coaching, is breaking down the reasoning, process, and potential outcomes of goal setting and importance of strategic planning.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why goal setting and strategic planning is so important to your business
  • How your personal brand plays a role in the success of your plans and strategies
  • How to reverse engineer your goals to ensure success
  • Why you should “Eat That Frog”

I know how exciting but difficult it can be to hear something that can make a tremendous impact on your business, so don’t worry.  I’ve got a couple of tools to help you get focused with what you heard today.

Is a 4 day video series with eight thought provoking questions that help you get clearer on your overall vision for your brand.

My BTB Business Journal has a plethora of tips, tools, and even worksheets to create S.M.A.R.T goals that will assist you in building a solid foundation for your brand.

That’s not all.  Sharon is also a fantastic resource for all things goal setting and strategic planning. Visit her on her website  or schedule time with her for more on how.

Finally, don’t forget to head over to iTunes or Spotify to leave a review on this episode.  I love hearing your feedback and what you got out of the interviews.


]]> 0 To be completely honest, I have always been that girl who needed to have structure around tasks, jobs, and well… life. I like to know where the boundaries are. My husband used to ask, “when are you going to go out and meet people? You won’t make make money sitting behind your desk all day.” In [...] No No 32:13 andrea patrick A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish, Andrea Patrick, Be the Brand, Business Coaching, Focal Point Coaching, Goal Setting, Grow Your Business, How To Set Goals, How to Succeed In Business, Marketing tips, PBandStyle, Personal Branding, Productivity Styles, Sharon Richter, Small Business Resource, Small Business Tips tips, SMART Goals, startup, Startup Resource, Strategic Planning