The C.E.O Mindset Podcast Wed, 20 Mar 2019 02:45:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2024 Andrea Patrick Topics that show you how to leverage your personal branding across various platforms to attract, engage, and convert THE RIGHT audience. Andrea Patrick Put the "B-U" in your BUSINESS with clarity, consistency, and authenticity. Learn how to leverage your personal branding with tips and techniques that educate, encourage, and empower listeners to be authentic with their marketing. Use what you learn to attract, engage, and convert THE RIGHT audience. Andrea Patrick No Reading Is The New Greeting Wed, 20 Mar 2019 10:30:20 +0000

This week I’m in NC with my mother. She just had surgery.  I’m playing Florence Nightingale while she recuperate this first week out of the hospital.  As I thought about what to share on the podcast this wee, a certain phenomenon happening in my circle of influence came to mind.  READING! Yep, you read that right! Lol!!!

Reading is definitely the NEW GREETING.  For the last few months I’ve recognized how important it is to stay in the books.  Not just any books, however.  The one’s that make doing business better, easier, more impactful (and the beat goes on). Now I’m an avid reader so I don’t want you to think the concept of reading is new to me.  I read EVERY DAY. I’ve been on a big “better my business and the way I do it” binge lately.

Confidence, certainty, credibility and Strategy are all affected by the pages in which you have your bookmark stuck.  It’s not IF you read, but WHAT you read that makes reading the new greeting.

In this weeks podcast, I’m talking about how people are starting, having, and ending conversations by inquiring about what you’re reading or have read.

Leave your favorite books in the comments below and tell me how the knowledge has helped your business.

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]]> 0 This week I’m in NC with my mother. She just had surgery. I’m playing Florence Nightingale while she recuperate this first week out of the hospital. As I thought about what to share on the podcast this wee, a certain phenomenon happening in my circle of influence came to mind. READING! Yep, you read that [...] No No 19:53 andrea patrick Andrea Patrick, Authentic Marketing, Be the Brand, Daily Hustle, Entrepreneurs, Grow Your Business, Influencer, Leadership, Marketing tips, Networking, Online Business, P.B. and Style, Personal Branding, Podcasts, Reading, Savvy Business Owners, Small Business, Small Business Marketing, startup tips, Startups, Strategic Marketing