If your efforts have proven ineffective and you are being swallowed with overwhelm, if you seem to have the inability to be productive and you have a lack of focus… this episode of P. B. & Style is definitely for you. You’ll hear me doing a live case study with clothing boutique owner Tiffany Evans. Together we walk through an abbreviated version of my brand identity coaching to help you, the listener, with your own AUTHENTIC “Re-Branding” efforts.
As always, be sure to comment below with any of your own AUTHENTIC rebranding stories. I want to hear all about them. Everyone has an entrepreneurial burden to bare. Don’t feel alone!
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Very very useful information! It was great being able to visualize what your re-branding process looks like. I agree with Tiffany that after you creating an outline, it’s helps to put things in perspective as well as allows the process to be less intimidating. Awesome work, looking forward to more!