Money, money, money! MONEY!! Jillian Verdun is talking about that “Cheddar”, that “Dough”, that “Moola”. What are your money views? How’s that working for ya? It may be time to change the lens you’ve been viewing money through and start thinking outside the box a little. As the Profit Strategist, Jillian is helping us make managing our money fun again and make profits a reality in our business.
She’s talking Common Habits that negatively affect your finances, goals that lead to financial well being, and her Starbucks obsession…
VISIT Jillian on her website —>>>HERE
AND Remember…. The best deliciousness happens in the P.B. & Style KITCHEN. It’s where all the secrets me and my guests will be sharing and you won’t see me sharing then ANYWHERE ELSE…
Grab a seat at the table —>>>HERE
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