I was having a friendly conversation with a colleague recently and we were discussing the art of marketing and self promotion. What often happens with this particular colleague is we, (a.) tend to be accountability partners for each other and talk about how we can do better (b.) help with suggestions and ways to assist our clients with the latest tool we’ve discovered, and (c.) share what new content we’ve been creating/repurposing. During this particular conversation we were discussing (c.) and she said something that made us both laugh hysterically… I was mentioning how I’ve been told several times by many different people that I didn’t need to CREATE ANYMORE content. I had PLENTY… My colleague said… “NO— YOU DON’T— I CAN’T COUNT HOW MANY TIMES I’VE BEEN ASKED TO READ A NEW BOOK IN THE PATRICK BIBLE…”
I thought that was soooo funny! I DO HAVE A TON OF CONTENT, you don’t even know…. We laughed and laughed for a good 5 minutes from that comment, but she was right. I have so much content, it’s also been said I could give out an associates degree on personal branding…. Too funny, right??
Well, that brings me to the reason for this post. I had to share this resource with you. In my latest podcast, I’m interviewing someone who is in the business of words. To wet your whistle a bit before you listen, I thought it would be helpful to give a little insight into the publishing industry AND the journey to self publishing…
Here are my 3 tips to Publishing with a Personal Branding Twist:
LIVE YOUR VALUE: One of my favorite sayings is, “When you look good you feel good, and when you feel good about how you look you have confidence…”. This statement isn’t from a book I read, or a movie. It’s from my life. I know from experience the confidence that comes from looking my best and feeling good about how I look (and I mean both in physically and virtually). I’m not saying I think I’m ALL THAT or the best looking woman in the world, but I AM SAYING… I know how amazing I feel about my value. When I’ve put my all into something, and I know it IS my best, I have confidence in presenting it to the world. I know I’m LIVING my value. I can share it with Authentic Authority and be unapologetic doing so…
LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH TO BE YOURSELF: Once I’ve acknowledged my value and begun operating in Authentic Authority, I LOVE me enough to just BE ENOUGH. I don’t feel compelled to imitate others. I’m perfectly fine beating to my own drum and marching to my own beat. I think this is a NECESSITY when it comes to publishing content. In this weeks podcast, my guests speaks to the importance of understanding yourself and being intentional. When it comes to content, whether it’s a blog post or a novel, you have to LIVE YOUR VALUE, but you also have to LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH TO BE YOURSELF.
Now…..Once you’ve started living your value and loving yourself enough to be yourself, you can…
LEAD WITH PURPOSE: Here is where you manifest your value and give it wings. You share yourself with intention and purpose. Publishing a book is a great way to do this. As you become more and more confident in your value and just being yourself, your ability to withhold that value is much more difficult. You begin to see the need for it all around you. This is the time to PUBLISH! PUBLISH! PUBLISH!
Listen to this week’s podcast. My guest, Mrs. Rekesha Pittman, shares her self-publishing expertise and takes you through some of the tips & tricks she uses with her clients. Hear the nickname she’s been given by her clients and be amazed by just how fitting it actually is….
Also…remember, P.B. & Style is a weekly dish of personal branding deliciousness and I’m the chef. Just like any chef worth her salt, I have my secrets. I share them over in the P.B. & Style KITCHEN (my email list). At the bottom of this blog post, after the button for the podcast, I’M INVITING YOU TO JOIN FOR “The Tea“…. All you have to do is enter your information and you will have a seat at the table for all the YUMMINESS being served by me and my guests. Sorry, you won’t find me sharing it any where else!!!
Listen to podcast HERE (or click picture below)
This is fabulous as I’ve been wresting with God! He says, “Start writing your story!” And I’m whispering back, “I’m not ready!”
Interestingly enough, Rekesha use to live here on the Westbrook Coast and, I’ve always admired her tenacity, strength, and faith!
Great read so!
P.S. I’m sitting on a lot of content too! *Le Sigh*
*West Coast* ?