The keys to a personal brand that converts and engages is transparency, accountability and authenticity. Consumer now longer are convinced by pretty logos and the letters “Inc.” or “LLC” behind the name of a company. They are looking for connections. People need that special something that helps them justify the cost, the time, or the effort involved in doing business with you. You aren’t the only rodeo in town so you have to give them something they can hold on to, relate to, and/or be enthusiastic about. Do you have it?
Creating a personal brand is more about YOU than anything else. Yes, by creating one you are opening yourself up to some criticism, but you are also opening up to the positive feedback that brings success. In an attempt to help you get started with the process of being more transparent, accountable and authentic, I want you to do an “internal Personal Branding audit“.
This audit consists of 3 areas imperative to the authenticity of your brands identity and message:
- 1. YOU: The first area that must be covered is you. In order to present any level of transparency, you have to know what others are going to see. What you WANT others to see. Yes, authentic means the REAL you but you don’t have to expose EVERYTHING about yourself. Here is where you have to discover your passion and why you do the things you do. What is it about you that drives you to want to solve the needs of your consumer. What is your “WHY”?
- 2. YOUR NON-NEGOTIABLES: The next area is a product of the first area. In identifying your “WHY” it will inevitably uncover behaviors and circumstances you don’t want to find yourself or your brand in (or around) while conducting your business. The great part about the first area is you come out feeling confident in yourself and what you have to offer, so saying “No” becomes easier and easier. You resist the urge to explain it. It begins to stand alone as a complete sentence.
The last area of the personal branding internal audit is:
- 3. YOUR UNIQUENESS: As I said earlier, consumers want transparency, accountability and authenticity but they also want to justify doing business with you. You have to give them something to work with. You are the only one in the world like you. Here, you need to tap into what it is that makes you the ONLY choice your consumer can make. Often in coaching other entrepreneurs, I find a propensity to cast a “wide net”, so to speak, with regard to marketing efforts. Once you discover your true value proposition, devise a strategy that includes uniquely expressed brand messaging (your “WHY”), you become a big fish in a small pond to your consumer. Attracting those who truly want it the way you’re giving it will rise to the top like dumplings.
Are you ready to do your Personal Branding Internal Audit? Take advantage of our FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session TODAY! READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE
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