Practice makes perfect, that’s what they say…right? It’s true. The more I work on myself and get in tune with what my body and mind need, the better I feel. Last week I talked about behavior change. It’s hard, I know, but the more you give yourself permission to do things differently, the easier it gets to make the change permanent.
I mentioned my sugar addiction. It’s REAL man… there is a constant struggle between what I WANT and what I CAN HAVE. I used to hate it, but over the holiday’s I realized the changes I’d made to modify my diet paid off. I was trying to master the Keto diet in 2019 and never quite got it right but from that behavior change, my body learned what feeling good REALLY felt like. During the holiday’s, let’s just say… I ENJOYED MY FOOD. My body let me know I HAD LOST MY MIND…lol!! I felt bad when I’d had too much sugar and I felt much better when I took time to exercise.

Giving yourself permission for the pivot. It’s okay to do something different to get a different result. It’s important in your business. I did a podcast about some of the permissions I’ve given myself and how they’ve helped me create boundaries and set expectations for those around me. The thing is, without these things, it’s almost impossible to deal with the overwhelm and stress of owning a business and balancing it with your everyday life. That’s why personal branding (if you’ve followed me for any length of time you know I look at it as a VERB… putting who you are into action), starts with being intimately acquainted with YOU. Remember.. you have to have a C.E.O. Mindset!
Having done the work myself, I know how important self care is to my success. Remember that SUGAR addiction I mentioned earlier? Well… much like the effects of not managing your diet to avoid diabetes, without change, you can’t reverse where you are in your business. If you’re WISHING for a better 2021, let me assure you.. a goal without a plan is just a wish.
Doing something different to get a different result sometimes sucks, but in the end the overall benefit is a sure fire way to tackle the overwhelm plaguing your attempts at success. If you need a little help, The BU Boss Squad is a great place to start. Enrollment is opening soon! To get the AMAZING deal… Join my Masterclass TODAY at 3pm…
I’m sharing my marketing strategy for “How to Close Out One Year and Plan a New One!”

How do you deal with the overwhelm in your business/life?
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