If you don’t have a 4 pronged approach to your marketing strategy, you’re probably wasting your time and money

That’s our jam, and we’ve helped countless service-based entrepreneurs tap into their unique value proposition efficiently & without ads

Real Talk

Navigating social media ads is a beast! It'll make you feel like you need a graduate level degree to experience their value.

We understand that and don’t think you need to be an expert on paid ads to kill it in the social media game.  You just need to put on your cape & show off your superpower.

Marketing Matrix Agency logo

There are plenty of people who’ll take your money to optimize your SEO, manage your social media, or whatever but...

How does that even work if they don't even ask about Your vision?

Stop throwing good money after bad on contractors who don’t listen to your vision and just offer cookie cutter services that don’t yield your desired result:

… because if you don’t learn how your struggle relates to your clients struggle, you’re just another voice in a sea of voices they hear.

Marketing strategies by Andrea

Cards On The Table

We’ll help you create and manage a brand strategy that results in a clear path to a stress free work week.  We'll make it easy to get back operating in your zone of genius and doing what REALLY makes you money. 

We’re a boutique marketing agency and personal branding curriculum source for creative service-based entrepreneurs like you.  My sweet spot is small, women-owned businesses ready to work smarter, not harder.  We’ve found operating from a place of strength and authenticity comes from connecting who YOU ARE to the brand you’re building.

Marketing strategies that work

My Process

Marketing Matrix Agency next steps 1
Assess your current situation. Book a Discovery Call to determine opportunities for improve.
Marketing Matrix Agency next steps 2
Adjust the approach where necessary in order to optimize for authenticity.
Marketing Matrix Agency next steps 3
Activate the new strategy an analyze for growth.
Marketing Matrix Agency next steps 4
Amplify what's working to increase brand awareness and build authority.

Time To Shine...

Your next great client is right around the corner, struggling to find a solution.  Jump into the nearest phonebooth and let's transform you into the super hero you know you are. Start using your powers for good, attracting THE RIGHT PEOPLE, and leaving lasting impressions.

Theodore Roosevelt Quote

About Us...

We are a boutique marketing agency that uses authentic marketing techniques to assist our clients with their attempts to gain recognition, establish a reputation, develop relationships with their desired customers, and build rapport and loyalty for business growth...

What Clients Have To Say...

"Thanks! Business has picked up, using the principles you teach..."       ~ Raul

"I had a wonderful meeting with my branding coach, Andrea Patrick!  If you're starting your own business or you have been having difficulty developing a cohesive message, then she's the one to talk to.  I love her and I'm head and shoulders above where I was when I launched my VA business more than 2 years ago!"           ~Kim

"I loved working with Andrea to discover my greatest potential in releasing to the world my personal brand style. The tools and methods that she used were tailored just for me and my brand, she help me unlock hidden talent and skills that took my business to another level. Not only did the program help with growing my business, it helped me grow in my personal life as well. Andrea is an expert in her industry and I recommend her to my clients as well. Thank you Andrea."                           -Katrina

"Andrea was indeed God sent. The day I met her was an act of fate and every conversation with her since has giving me the assurance that it is now my time. Upon meeting her I was unsure of anything and my goals were intimidating due to lack of guidance and progression in the past. Since speaking with her, she has helped me to overcome my fears and build my confidence. The exercise that she assigned one week to help with building your brand or business, allowed me to truly see why I would like a Creative Fashion Industry business and understand the source. This is why I have come to believe this exercise helps to connect your heart to your business. I say that because everyone may have the brain to think of what they want but if the heart isn’t invested it will not grow beyond a thought and you will lose your motivation. The exercises have allowed me to actually view my business as my special baby. Each week I speak with her I truly feel that I’m one step closer to delivering my baby. Upon delivery I will have a strong, healthy business that will grow talent, grow people and grow hearts. Andrea's presence is amazing but my God, her work is clearly her gift. All the information she knows, all the information she so freely give comes from her heart and you will fill that each and every time you speak with her. She just wants you to truly know every aspect of the business and be successful."                   ~ Denise

Prefer To Work Alone?

My signature program Project Ceo

My program, Project CEO is just what you need.  Becoming the CEO of you (hence Project CEO) is the act of accessing your own authority.

When you know how to access your authority you'll:

  1. Become more efficient with your time
  2. Become more effective with your energy
  3. Become more self-awareness and stand up for what you believe in more easily
  4. Teach others how to treat you
Don’t show this message again.


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