3 Important Questions to Ask Yourself to Avoid the Fear of Competition
Leadership requires us to be intentional and influence. These 3 important questions will help you with both. They will help stop the fear of competition.
Blog Post: https://andreapatrick.com/no-competition-fear/
The Leadership Journey – 1st Stop VALUE: https://andreapatrick.com/podcast/pbstyle/leadership-journey-first-stop-value/
BE A VIP: https://andreapatrick.com/vip-list
Remember, if you liked this video, please be sure to give it a “thumbs up”, share with friends, and SUBSCRIBE to my channel. You won’t want to miss a single episode!
3 ROI Concepts Uncommon, but Should be Considered
This was a fun episode of Be the Brand TV. I’m talking about some pretty unconventional investment returns. I bet you’ve had opportunities to reap some pretty hefty benefits. It’s like my dad used to say about playing SPADES…”it’s all about how you play your hand”.
Your ROI isn’t always money. It’s uncommon to consider these 3 concepts as returns. If you do, you’ll build a brand that speaks to your authenticity and your desire to build quality relationships with your customers and potential collaborators.
3 Quick and Easy Ways to Live Your Value
If there is one thing I can say with certainty, it’s that at the root of the confidence you need to find the success you want is LIVING YOUR VALUE!
In this episode of Be the Brand TV, I’m talking to Jeanine Tillman about “value”. We’re talking about it’s importance to living a healthy life, the pitfalls that present themselves when we aren’t walking in our value, and more. Jeanine is also sharing 3 quick and easy ways to live your value starting TODAY!
It’s a must watch episode.. Like always, be sure to like this video by giving it a thumbs, share with your friends, and please SUBSCRIBE to my channel!!!
How to Become a Successful Fashion Stylist with Willie Johnson
I’m getting a sneak into the mind and behind the business of Dallas Fashion Expert, Willie Johnson. In this interview he is talking about staying motivated as a fashion stylist, why being intentional is so important in the success of your business and why it’s not a good idea to skip steps during your brand growth.
If you’ve considered becoming a fashion stylist, this is definitely an interview to watch.
Please be sure to like this video by giving it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and SUBSCRIBE!
Thinking about KICKING IT UP A NOTCH??? Grab this check list and get started right now… https://andreapatrick.com/kickitupanotch/
5 Tips to Live Beautifully and Grow Your Brand
You may be wondering why this is a blog post the website of a marketing professional.
The truth is, this marketing professional is an proficient in living authentically, knowing her value and understanding the importance of consistency. Because of this, I know the difference it can make in your life and business to implement these tips in your life.
Living beautifully is a term I first heard from my friend Lauren Palmer. She and I met years ago in a place we both still love to this day, Sharla’s Boutique in McKinney-TX. Listen to Lauren as she shares her tips for living beautifully in your area. You will be surprised by the difference it makes in how you feel about yourself and your business, but most importantly how OTHERS see you and your business.